Hello, World.

I'm Ahmad W Khan

Senior Software Engineer, Tech Lead, CTO

💭 Dream 🐱‍💻 Code 🚀 Ship


Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

Hi, I am Ahmad. Over a decade experienced language agnostic Senior Software Engineer and a Tech Lead. I have worked with various domains in startups and enterprises, to solve business problems using technology.

Recent Products

Freelance Job Portal

2023 - 2024

Freelance Job Portal

Freelance Job Platform

I successfully led the development and deployment of a Django-based Job Portal for Freelancers, utilizing Docker for containerization, AWS for cloud services, Open AI for AI features, Gitlab for CI/CD and incorporating best practices in software development.

I successfully executed a comprehensive project for a job portal, enhancing its functionality and ensuring a seamless user experience. My tasks included deploying a Django Python container online with HTTPS access, integrating a PostgreSQL RDS database for data storage, and configuring AWS EC2 with Docker for Dev environment.

Additionally, I tackled domain management challenges, addressing issues with domain by implementing AWS Route53. The technical implementation extended to establishing a secure connection for the domain.

For the pre-registration portal, I orchestrated the creation of two operational environments—Qualif/Test and Production—implementing a robust GitLab CI/CD pipeline for automatic deployment. The solution included a streamlined process for publication and rollback in the Production environment.

To optimize operating costs, I carefully evaluated and selected the most suitable hosting solution from options like Elastic Beanstalk, Elastic Container Service (ECS), or Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). The successful completion of these objectives paved the way for the commencement of the contract.

I have dockerized the django application and deployed it on AWS EC2 for dev and AWS Fargate for production.

I am proud to have met the client's expectations within the stipulated timeline.

AdTech Platform

Ad Tech Platform

I worked as a Senior Back-End Engineer at PushGroup UK, a leading advertising agency, where I played a pivotal role in the development and maintenance of their in-house Ad-tech product. This robust platform leveraged cutting-edge technologies, including Python Django with DRF for back-end development and Angular for the front-end. The software harnessed the power of Google BigQuery for processing big data and incorporated machine learning models to autonomously manage ad budgeting.

One of the standout features I contributed to was the creation of an AI-powered campaign generation system in collaboration with OpenAI. Users could input their best-performing campaigns, and the platform would generate various ad campaign variations tailored to character limits for Facebook and Google Ads, all while preserving the desired tone of the ad. This innovative approach streamlined campaign management and improved advertising efficiency.

The software unified the management of social media ad campaigns under a single, user-friendly platform, enabling users to create, manage campaigns, and efficiently allocate budgets. The platform also included alerting capabilities to ensure timely campaign adjustments.

To facilitate seamless third-party integrations for managing ad campaigns and social media ads, I extensively worked on API integrations.

The server architecture was hosted on AWS for robust performance and scalability, and for CI/CD, we implemented Circle CI, ensuring the reliability and efficiency of software updates and releases.

My contributions at PushGroup UK in enhancing the Ad-tech platform's capabilities and its overall performance were integral in providing users with an effective and comprehensive solution for their advertising needs.

Patent Analysis Software

Patent Analysis Software

As a senior software engineer, I was part of the development team for a cutting-edge patent analysis software utilizing technologies such as Python, Elastic Search, Redis, AWS, Gensim, and custom machine learning algorithms. Our team was tasked with standard analysis, curation, and semantic analysis, generating claim charts, and reports that provided valuable insights to clients. I was responsible for implementing key features and utilizing cutting-edge technologies to create a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution that analyzed large amounts of data and delivered actionable insights to clients.


TopProp Fantasy

Datatrics makes predictive marketing accessible for everyone. By leveraging the power of predictive marketing, brands can become more relevant.

I was part of the product engineering team, working on the Datatrics CDP(Customer Data Platform), improving the existing legacy codebase and migrating the APIs to Laravel and Front end to Vue.js as well as working with other technologies like Docker, Symfony, Gulp, Typescript, AWS, Gitlab CI/CD, TDD etc. I was responsible for reducing third-party client costs by optimizing third-party API integration. I was also responsible for improving the development experience by refactoring the existing codebase and migrating the old API to Laravel. I was also responsible for working with UI/UX and front end team to work on the front-end as well, using Vue.js


TopProp Fantasy

TopProp gives fantasy players yet another layer to gaming by combining traditional fantasy football leagues with DFS gaming in a way that brings you closer to the game than ever before.

I was part of the core team to help launch the product before NFL season.

I worked as a remote full stack engineer to build the front end using React and work on the back end as well


Calma Properties Inc. is a collaborative team headed by Carlo Calma & Jp Calma, who work with various talents ranging from Architects, Artists, Builders, Chefs, Designers, Engineers, and Scientists, mostly from the second generation Calma Family whose patriarchs originate from Mount Arayat, Pampanga, Philippines.

I was responsible for working with both front-end and back-end of AYL Shop from scratch.

I was resposible for working with the back-end, database and API from scratch. I worked with the remote team of designers and developer to create the platform from concept to launch.


I summarise Outpost as "Tinder for Startups and Investors". Outpost is a brain-child of a small group of investors & founders that were fed up with the traditional process of making & getting introductions. Cold calling, LinkedIn messages, the unflattering process of social begging, email overload, etc. We hate it. So, we decided to reinvent the process. We call it Outpost.

I was part of the core team, working on the back-end, front-end as well as servers to launch the beta version of the product. The product was launched within deadline and raised initial funding of $500,000 on launch.


MoneyNetInt Image

Moneynetint Ltd. is a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulated Fintech System and is authorised under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 for issuing electronic money (Reg. No. 900190)

I was part of the back end REST API team in an agile team, to develop, test and maintain the back end system of the banking software. My work mostly involved working on the REST APIs and management Portal of the Fintech system using Core PHP, OOP PHP and MVC.

SaaS Application


Restaurant Software

Restaurant App Manager Dashboard

SaaS (Software as a Service) app. The app involved working with junior PHP developer and involved working in a small team of developers, graphic designer and testers. The app has a client side app for customers and a full-fledged admin panel dashboard for the owner. The app was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Vanilla PHP, fpdf.

Jewelry Tracking App


Jewelry Tracking and Management App

Jewellery Tracking and Management App by Ahmad W Khan

Built the Jewelry Management Web Application from scratch and was responsible for planning, designing and architecting the app from ground up, i.e. developing SRS, designing database architecture and collaborating with other developer. Used CodeIgniter, JavaScript and jQuery in the project to create REST like API.

Inventory Management Web Application


Stock and Inventory Management App

Stock & Inventory App

A CMS web application with Admin Panel Dashboard for a business, dealing in handcrafted items. The app was an Inventory and Stock Management App. It was built from scratch using HTML/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, PHP (Laravel), mpdf, Bootstrap.

Invoicing Software


Invoicing Software

Invoicing browser spreadshet screenshot

Full-stack Invoicing web application for courier service company (OM SRI SAI SERVICE) . The application is an Invoice Management Web Application built from scratch using Core PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, mpdf, handsontable.js. I was responsible for designing the front end and back end from scratch from start to finish. Also, responsible for testing, deploying, migrating and maintaining the software's database, server, UI and back-end.

Personal projects


What Can I Do For You?

Comprehensive Technology Solutions for Startups and Enterprises


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Where to find me

Hunched over a laptop in some cafe.